Mind Matters: Empowering Employees through Wellness and Mental Health Support

Over the past two years, mental health and wellness have become an integral conversation for many businesses around the globe. The COVID-19 pandemic propelled this discussion into the spotlight as organizations actively started looking inwards for methods to support their employees. 

Organizations increasingly recognise the profound impact good mental well-being can have on the overall success of their employees. After all, employees are the greatest asset of any company. 

Employees who feel valued and supported are far happier and more productive, contributing to a positive work culture. As the understanding of mental health support continues to grow, so does the need to build a comprehensive support system within the workplace. 

So, what can managers and leaders do to support their employees as they face economic upheaval and uncertainties? This article will explore beneficial ways to empower your employees through effective wellness and mental health systems. 

At Links GLB, we understand your employees’ values and undertake adequate measures to create a supportive workplace culture for your company. We believe that we can create a healthier, more compassionate, and more productive work culture for all. 

1. Cultivating an Open Culture

Communication is the foundation for building an effective and long-lasting relationship with your employees. Unfortunately, many employees feel uncomfortable opening up. This could be attributed to a: lack of trust or a closed culture. 

While one cannot resolve this as quickly as waving a wand, leaders and managers can actively undertake steps to build a supportive and open culture that encourages employees to open up. This will boost your employee’s confidence level and their loyalty and trust. 

In addition, empowering your leaders to cultivate such a culture can help them develop their emotional intelligence skills, such as empathy and listening. 

Creating an open culture can help normalize several mental health challenges your employees may face. This will help them overcome the initial level of discomfort and eventually erase the stigma associated with such challenges. 

2.  Regular and Frequent Check-Ins

Constant check-ins and follow-ups with your employees have become more critical. Although it's a common practice, the pandemic has made us realize its importance. 

This process is far more critical if you have adopted a hybrid or work-from-home setup for your team. Often, in such workstyles, it is challenging to gauge signs of someone struggling to cope. 

In such scenarios, going beyond a casual “How are you?” and creating a space for honest conversations can immensely support your employees. Additionally, you can communicate freely with your employees and discover better ways to support and help them during distress. 

While you won’t have a solution to all their problems, what matters is showing that you care and you are there for them. 

3. Fostering Work-Life Balance

Have you heard this saying, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dumb boy’? Well, this very much holds in our lives too. If your employees are working overtime and it is eating into their free time, they are very likely to burn out. 

Instead, drawing a healthy line between work and life is essential for mental sanity and overall well-being. Encouraging your employees to take breaks during stressful times or letting them prioritize their personal commitments is one way to maintain a work-life balance

Additionally, initiating programs supporting life outside work can enhance this balance. From weekly fitness sessions to starting a book club, there are several ideas to choose from. 

You can give these alternatives a go based on what your employees prefer. Not only will these improve their productivity levels but also enhance their mental health to a great extent. 

4. Educate And Raise Awareness

Educating and raising awareness about mental health support is crucial to foster a supportive and understanding workplace environment, especially in the long run. 

Not only does this help break the stigma, but it also helps to overcome the initial hesitation your employees might feel. Actively educating your employees can help create a space where they feel comfortable addressing their mental health concerns openly, without being judged. 

Regularly conducting workshops and seminars that train and educate employees about stress management, mindfulness and building self-care practices can have a lasting impact on their well-being. 

To Build A Positive and Global Work Culture, Contact Links GLB

Prioritizing employee mental health and offering a supportive and open culture is morally important and a strategic investment for your company. After all, making mental health a priority can help you build a workplace that truly values every employee, creating a positive environment beyond office walls.  

At Links GLB, we understand the importance of building a positive workplace environment. We also understand how difficult it is for most global teams to create a collaborative and supportive culture where employees feel valued. 

Our team of experts can help you build an influential workplace culture that fosters collaboration and support. With our data-driven insights, you'll no longer have the hesitation to move in the right direction, especially for HR solutions! 

Contact us to get started on building an effective and supportive workplace culture! 


The Perfect Employee Does Exist, but They Might Be Abroad